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Proenca CC
Gao KP
Shmelkov SV
Rafii S
Lee FS
. 2011.
Slitrks as emerging candidate genes involved in neuropsychiatric disorders.
Trends Neurosci. 34(3):143-53.
Cook BD
Liu S
Evans T
. 2011.
Smad1 signaling restricts hematopoietic potential after promoting hemangioblast commitment.
Blood. 117(24):6489-97.
Henderson PW
Singh SP
Krijgh DD
Yamamoto M
Rafii DC
Sung JJ
Rafii S
Rabbany SY
Spector JA
. 2011.
Stromal-derived factor-1 delivered via hydrogel drug-delivery vehicle accelerates wound healing in vivo.
Wound Repair Regen. 19(3):420-5.
Hormigo A
Ding B-S
Rafii S
. 2011.
A target for antiangiogenic therapy: vascular endothelium derived from glioblastoma.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(11):4271-2.
Lis R
Touboul C
Mirshahi P
Ali F
Mathew S
Nolan DJ
Maleki M
Abdalla SA
Raynaud CM
Querleu D
et al.
. 2011.
Tumor associated mesenchymal stem cells protects ovarian cancer cells from hyperthermia through CXCL12.
Int J Cancer. 128(3):715-25.
Schreiner R
Frindt G
Diaz F
Carvajal-Gonzalez JM
Bay AEPerez
Palmer LG
Marshansky V
Brown D
Philp NJ
Rodriguez-Boulan E
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The absence of a clathrin adapter confers unique polarity essential to proximal tubule function.
Kidney Int. 78(4):382-8.
Kobayashi H
Butler JM
O'Donnell R
Kobayashi M
Ding B-S
Bonner B
Chiu VK
Nolan DJ
Shido K
Benjamin L
et al.
. 2010.
Angiocrine factors from Akt-activated endothelial cells balance self-renewal and differentiation of haematopoietic stem cells.
Nat Cell Biol. 12(11):1046-56.
Polo JM
Liu S
Figueroa MEugenia
Kulalert W
Eminli S
Tan KYong
Apostolou E
Stadtfeld M
Li Y
Shioda T
et al.
. 2010.
Cell type of origin influences the molecular and functional properties of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells.
Nat Biotechnol. 28(8):848-55.
Rafii S
Nolan D
. 2010.
Cholesterol activates vascular niche and hematopoiesis.
Blood. 115(19):3857-8.
Rabbany SY
Pastore J
Yamamoto M
Miller T
Rafii S
Aras R
Penn M
. 2010.
Continuous delivery of stromal cell-derived factor-1 from alginate scaffolds accelerates wound healing.
Cell Transplant. 19(4):399-408.
Das BC
Mahalingam SM
Panda L
Wang B
Campbell P
Evans T
. 2010.
Design and Synthesis of Potential New Apoptosis Agents: Hybrid Compounds Containing Perillyl Alcohol and New Constrained Retinoids.
Tetrahedron Lett. 51(11):1462-1466.
Butler JM
Nolan DJ
Vertes EL
Varnum-Finney B
Kobayashi H
Hooper AT
Seandel M
Shido K
White IA
Kobayashi M
et al.
. 2010.
Endothelial cells are essential for the self-renewal and repopulation of Notch-dependent hematopoietic stem cells.
Cell Stem Cell. 6(3):251-64.
James D
Nam H-song
Seandel M
Nolan D
Janovitz T
Tomishima M
Studer L
Lee G
Lyden D
Benezra R
et al.
. 2010.
Expansion and maintenance of human embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial cells by TGFbeta inhibition is Id1 dependent.
Nat Biotechnol. 28(2):161-6.
Das BC
McCartin K
Liu T-C
Peterson RT
Evans T
. 2010.
A forward chemical screen in zebrafish identifies a retinoic acid derivative with receptor specificity.
PLoS One. 5(4):e10004.
Holtzinger A
Rosenfeld GE
Evans T
. 2010.
Gata4 directs development of cardiac-inducing endoderm from ES cells.
Dev Biol. 337(1):63-73.
Yamamoto M
James D
Li H
Butler J
Rafii S
Rabbany S
. 2010.
Generation of stable co-cultures of vascular cells in a honeycomb alginate scaffold.
Tissue Eng Part A. 16(1):299-308.
Ding B-S
Nolan DJ
Butler JM
James D
Babazadeh AO
Rosenwaks Z
Mittal V
Kobayashi H
Shido K
Lyden D
et al.
. 2010.
Inductive angiocrine signals from sinusoidal endothelium are required for liver regeneration.
Nature. 468(7321):310-5.
Butler JM
Kobayashi H
Rafii S
. 2010.
Instructive role of the vascular niche in promoting tumour growth and tissue repair by angiocrine factors.
Nat Rev Cancer. 10(2):138-46.
Rabbany SY
James D
Rafii S
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New dimensions in vascular engineering: opportunities for cancer biology.
Tissue Eng Part A. 16(7):2157-9.
Choudhuri A
Evans T
Maitra U
. 2010.
Non-core subunit eIF3h of translation initiation factor eIF3 regulates zebrafish embryonic development.
Dev Dyn. 239(6):1632-44.
Lis R
Capdet J
Mirshahi P
Lacroix-Triki M
Dagonnet F
Klein C
Mirshahi M
Fournié J-J
Rafii A
Poupot M
. 2010.
Oncologic trogocytosis with Hospicells induces the expression of N-cadherin by breast cancer cells.
Int J Oncol. 37(6):1453-61.
Kikuchi K
Holdway JE
Werdich AA
Anderson RM
Fang Y
Egnaczyk GF
Evans T
Macrae CA
Stainier DYR
Poss KD
. 2010.
Primary contribution to zebrafish heart regeneration by gata4(+) cardiomyocytes.
Nature. 464(7288):601-5.
Rikin A
Rosenfeld GE
McCartin K
Evans T
. 2010.
A reverse genetic approach to test functional redundancy during embryogenesis.
J Vis Exp. (42)
Shmelkov SV
Hormigo A
Jing D
Proenca CC
Bath KG
Milde T
Shmelkov E
Kushner JS
Baljevic M
Dincheva I
et al.
. 2010.
Slitrk5 deficiency impairs corticostriatal circuitry and leads to obsessive-compulsive-like behaviors in mice.
Nat Med. 16(5):598-602,1pfollowing602.
Das BC
Mohapatra S
Campbell PD
Nayak S
Mahalingam SM
Evans T
. 2010.
Synthesis of function-oriented 2-phenyl-2H-chromene derivatives using L-pipecolinic acid and substituted guanidine organocatalysts.
Tetrahedron Lett. 51(19):2567-2570.
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