Hartman Institute for Therapeutic Organ Regeneration
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Walter RB, Laszlo GS, Lionberger JM, Pollard JA, Harrington KH, Gudgeon CJ, Othus M, Rafii S, Meshinchi S, Appelbaum FR et al..  2014.  Heterogeneity of clonal expansion and maturation-linked mutation acquisition in hematopoietic progenitors in human acute myeloid leukemia.. Leukemia. 28(10):1969-77.
Wu T, Liu Y, Wen D, Tseng Z, Tahmasian M, Zhong M, Rafii S, Stadtfeld M, Hochedlinger K, Xiao A.  2014.  Histone variant H2A.X deposition pattern serves as a functional epigenetic mark for distinguishing the developmental potentials of iPSCs.. Cell Stem Cell. 15(3):281-294.
Wen D, Banaszynski LA, Liu Y, Geng F, Noh K-M, Xiang J, Elemento O, Rosenwaks Z, C Allis D, Rafii S.  2014.  Histone variant H3.3 is an essential maternal factor for oocyte reprogramming.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(20):7325-30.
Li W, Nakanishi M, Zumsteg A, Shear M, Wright C, Melton DA, Zhou Q.  2014.  In vivo reprogramming of pancreatic acinar cells to three islet endocrine subtypes.. Elife. 3:e01846.
Li W, Cavelti-Weder C, Zhang Y, Clement K, Donovan S, Gonzalez G, Zhu J, Stemann M, Xu K, Hashimoto T et al..  2014.  Long-term persistence and development of induced pancreatic beta cells generated by lineage conversion of acinar cells.. Nat Biotechnol. 32(12):1223-30.
James D, Rafii S.  2014.  Maladapted endothelial cells flip the mesenchymal switch.. Sci Transl Med. 6(227):227fs12.
Lis R, Touboul C, Halabi NM, Madduri ASainath, Querleu D, Mezey J, Malek JA, Suhre K, Rafii A.  2014.  Mesenchymal cell interaction with ovarian cancer cells induces a background dependent pro-metastatic transcriptomic profile.. J Transl Med. 12:59.
Pasquier J, Thawadi HAl, Ghiabi P, Abu-Kaoud N, Maleki M, Guerrouahen BS, Vidal F, Courderc B, Ferron G, Martinez A et al..  2014.  Microparticles mediated cross-talk between tumoral and endothelial cells promote the constitution of a pro-metastatic vascular niche through Arf6 up regulation.. Cancer Microenviron. 7(1-2):41-59.
Song W, An D, Kao D-I, Lu Y-C, Dai G, Chen S, Ma M.  2014.  Nanofibrous microposts and microwells of controlled shapes and their hybridization with hydrogels for cell encapsulation.. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 6(10):7038-44.
Lundquist MR, Storaska AJ, Liu T-C, Larsen SD, Evans T, Neubig RR, Jaffrey SR.  2014.  Redox modification of nuclear actin by MICAL-2 regulates SRF signaling.. Cell. 156(3):563-76.
Sandler VM, Lis R, Liu Y, Kedem A, James D, Elemento O, Butler JM, Scandura JM, Rafii S.  2014.  Reprogramming human endothelial cells to haematopoietic cells requires vascular induction.. Nature. 511(7509):312-8.
Das BC, Thapa P, Karki R, Das S, Mahapatra S, Liu T-C, Torregroza I, Wallace DP, Kambhampati S, Van Veldhuizen P et al..  2014.  Retinoic acid signaling pathways in development and diseases.. Bioorg Med Chem. 22(2):673-83.
Touboul C, Vidal F, Pasquier J, Lis R, Rafii A.  2014.  Role of mesenchymal cells in the natural history of ovarian cancer: a review.. J Transl Med. 12:271.
Yamamoto M, Rafii S, Rabbany SY.  2014.  Scaffold biomaterials for nano-pathophysiology.. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 74:104-14.
Kleiman DA, Beninato T, Sultan S, Crowley MJP, Finnerty B, Kumar R, Panarelli NC, Liu Y-F, Lieberman MD, Seandel M et al..  2014.  Silencing of UCHL1 by CpG promoter hyper-methylation is associated with metastatic gastroenteropancreatic well-differentiated neuroendocrine (carcinoid) tumors.. Ann Surg Oncol. 21 Suppl 4(0 4):S672-9.
Mendelson K, Evans T, Hla T.  2014.  Sphingosine 1-phosphate signalling.. Development. 141(1):5-9.
Anastasia A, Deinhardt K, Wang S, Martin L, Nichol D, Irmady K, Trinh J, Parada L, Rafii S, Hempstead BL et al..  2014.  Trkb signaling in pericytes is required for cardiac microvessel stabilization.. PLoS One. 9(1):e87406.
Molaro A, Falciatori I, Hodges E, Aravin AA, Marran K, Rafii S, W McCombie R, Smith AD, Hannon GJ.  2014.  Two waves of de novo methylation during mouse germ cell development.. Genes Dev. 28(14):1544-9.
Kumar R, DiMenna L, Schrode N, Liu T-C, Franck P, Muñoz-Descalzo S, Hadjantonakis A-K, Zarrin AA, Chaudhuri J, Elemento O et al..  2013.  AID stabilizes stem-cell phenotype by removing epigenetic memory of pluripotency genes.. Nature. 500(7460):89-92.
Chang S-H, Lu Y-C, Li X, Hsieh W-Y, Xiong Y, Ghosh M, Evans T, Elemento O, Hla T.  2013.  Antagonistic function of the RNA-binding protein HuR and miR-200b in post-transcriptional regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor-A expression and angiogenesis.. J Biol Chem. 288(7):4908-21.
Das BC, Thapa P, Karki R, Schinke C, Das S, Kambhampati S, Banerjee SK, Van Veldhuizen P, Verma A, Weiss LM et al..  2013.  Boron chemicals in diagnosis and therapeutics.. Future Med Chem. 5(6):653-76.
Gelb B, Brueckner M, Chung W, Goldmuntz E, Kaltman J, Kaski JPablo, Kim R, Kline J, Mercer-Rosa L, Porter G et al..  2013.  The Congenital Heart Disease Genetic Network Study: rationale, design, and early results.. Circ Res. 112(4):698-706.
Poulos MG, Guo P, Kofler NM, Pinho S, Gutkin MC, Tikhonova A, Aifantis I, Frenette PS, Kitajewski J, Rafii S et al..  2013.  Endothelial Jagged-1 is necessary for homeostatic and regenerative hematopoiesis.. Cell Rep. 4(5):1022-34.
Turbendian HK, Gordillo M, Tsai S-Y, Lu J, Kang G, Liu T-C, Tang A, Liu S, Fishman GI, Evans T.  2013.  GATA factors efficiently direct cardiac fate from embryonic stem cells.. Development. 140(8):1639-44.
Walters MS, Gomi K, Ashbridge B, Moore MAS, Arbelaez V, Heldrich J, Ding B-S, Rafii S, Staudt MR, Crystal RG.  2013.  Generation of a human airway epithelium derived basal cell line with multipotent differentiation capacity.. Respir Res. 14(1):135.