Hartman Institute for Therapeutic Organ Regeneration
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Liu W, Brock A, Chen S, Chen S, Schultz PG.  2007.  Genetic incorporation of unnatural amino acids into proteins in mammalian cells.. Nat Methods. 4(3):239-44.
Mutlu AD'Agostino, Cavallin LE, Vincent L, Chiozzini C, Eroles P, Duran EM, Asgari Z, Hooper AT, La Perle KMD, Hilsher C et al..  2007.  In vivo-restricted and reversible malignancy induced by human herpesvirus-8 KSHV: a cell and animal model of virally induced Kaposi's sarcoma.. Cancer Cell. 11(3):245-58.
Kiaei M, Kipiani K, Calingasan NY, Wille E, Chen J, Heissig B, Rafii S, Lorenzl S, M Beal F.  2007.  Matrix metalloproteinase-9 regulates TNF-alpha and FasL expression in neuronal, glial cells and its absence extends life in a transgenic mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.. Exp Neurol. 205(1):74-81.
Zhou Q, Law AC, Rajagopal J, Anderson WJ, Gray PA, Melton DA.  2007.  A multipotent progenitor domain guides pancreatic organogenesis.. Dev Cell. 13(1):103-14.
Qyang Y, Martin-Puig S, Chiravuri M, Chen S, Xu H, Bu L, Jiang X, Lin L, Granger A, Moretti A et al..  2007.  The renewal and differentiation of Isl1+ cardiovascular progenitors are controlled by a Wnt/beta-catenin pathway.. Cell Stem Cell. 1(2):165-79.
Chen S, Takanashi S, Zhang Q, Xiong W, Zhu S, Peters EC, Ding S, Schultz PG.  2007.  Reversine increases the plasticity of lineage-committed mammalian cells.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104(25):10482-7.
Petit I, Jin D, Rafii S.  2007.  The SDF-1-CXCR4 signaling pathway: a molecular hub modulating neo-angiogenesis.. Trends Immunol. 28(7):299-307.
McReynolds LJ, Gupta S, Figueroa ME, Mullins MC, Evans T.  2007.  Smad1 and Smad5 differentially regulate embryonic hematopoiesis.. Blood. 110(12):3881-90.
Zafonte BT, Liu S, Lynch-Kattman M, Torregroza I, Benvenuto L, Kennedy M, Keller G, Evans T.  2007.  Smad1 expands the hemangioblast population within a limited developmental window.. Blood. 109(2):516-23.
Gupta S, Zhu H, Zon LI, Evans T.  2006.  BMP signaling restricts hemato-vascular development from lateral mesoderm during somitogenesis.. Development. 133(11):2177-87.
Ghatpande S, Brand T, Zile M, Evans T.  2006.  Bmp2 and Gata4 function additively to rescue heart tube development in the absence of retinoids.. Dev Dyn. 235(8):2030-9.
Yergeau DA, Schmerer M, Kuliyev E, Evans T, Mead PE.  2006.  Cloning and expression pattern of the Xenopus erythropoietin receptor.. Gene Expr Patterns. 6(4):420-5.
Kopp H-G, Ramos CA, Rafii S.  2006.  Contribution of endothelial progenitors and proangiogenic hematopoietic cells to vascularization of tumor and ischemic tissue.. Curr Opin Hematol. 13(3):175-81.
Jin DK, Shido K, Kopp H-G, Petit I, Shmelkov SV, Young LM, Hooper AT, Amano H, Avecilla ST, Heissig B et al..  2006.  Cytokine-mediated deployment of SDF-1 induces revascularization through recruitment of CXCR4+ hemangiocytes.. Nat Med. 12(5):557-67.
Chen S, Hilcove S, Ding S.  2006.  Exploring stem cell biology with small molecules.. Mol Biosyst. 2(1):18-24.
Yao S, Chen S, Clark J, Hao E, Beattie GM, Hayek A, Ding S.  2006.  Long-term self-renewal and directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells in chemically defined conditions.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(18):6907-12.
Ruan J, Hyjek E, Kermani P, Christos PJ, Hooper AT, Coleman M, Hempstead B, Leonard JP, Chadburn A, Rafii S.  2006.  Magnitude of stromal hemangiogenesis correlates with histologic subtype of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.. Clin Cancer Res. 12(19):5622-31.
Kaplan RN, Rafii S, Lyden D.  2006.  Preparing the "soil": the premetastatic niche.. Cancer Res. 66(23):11089-93.
Chen S, Do JTae, Zhang Q, Yao S, Yan F, Peters EC, Schöler HR, Schultz PG, Ding S.  2006.  Self-renewal of embryonic stem cells by a small molecule.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(46):17266-71.
Schmerer M, Torregroza I, Pascal A, Umbhauer M, Evans T.  2006.  STAT5 acts as a repressor to regulate early embryonic erythropoiesis.. Blood. 108(9):2989-97.
Kopp H-G, Hooper AT, M Broekman J, Avecilla ST, Petit I, Luo M, Milde T, Ramos CA, Zhang F, Kopp T et al..  2006.  Thrombospondins deployed by thrombopoietic cells determine angiogenic switch and extent of revascularization.. J Clin Invest. 116(12):3277-91.
Torregroza I, Evans T.  2006.  Tid1 is a Smad-binding protein that can modulate Smad7 activity in developing embryos.. Biochem J. 393(Pt 1):311-20.
Stanton SE, McReynolds LJ, Evans T, Schreiber-Agus N.  2006.  Yaf2 inhibits caspase 8-mediated apoptosis and regulates cell survival during zebrafish embryogenesis.. J Biol Chem. 281(39):28782-93.