Hartman Institute for Therapeutic Organ Regeneration
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Rafii S, Lyden D.  2008.  Cancer. A few to flip the angiogenic switch.. Science. 319(5860):163-4.
Seandel M, Butler J, Lyden D, Rafii S.  2008.  A catalytic role for proangiogenic marrow-derived cells in tumor neovascularization.. Cancer Cell. 13(3):181-3.
Shmelkov SV, Butler JM, Hooper AT, Hormigo A, Kushner J, Milde T, St Clair R, Baljevic M, White I, Jin DK et al..  2008.  CD133 expression is not restricted to stem cells, and both CD133+ and CD133- metastatic colon cancer cells initiate tumors.. J Clin Invest. 118(6):2111-20.
Kim J, Seandel M, Falciatori I, Wen D, Rafii S.  2008.  CD34+ testicular stromal cells support long-term expansion of embryonic and adult stem and progenitor cells.. Stem Cells. 26(10):2516-22.
Naik RP, Jin D, Chuang E, Gold EG, Tousimis EA, Moore AL, Christos PJ, de Dalmas T, Donovan D, Rafii S et al..  2008.  Circulating endothelial progenitor cells correlate to stage in patients with invasive breast cancer.. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 107(1):133-8.
Deborde S, Perret E, Gravotta D, Deora A, Salvarezza S, Schreiner R, Rodriguez-Boulan E.  2008.  Clathrin is a key regulator of basolateral polarity.. Nature. 452(7188):719-23.
Evans T.  2008.  Embryonic Stem Cells as a Model for Cardiac Development and Disease.. Drug Discov Today Dis Models. 5(3):147-155.
Kadereit B, Kumar P, Wang W-J, Miranda D, Snapp EL, Severina N, Torregroza I, Evans T, Silver DL.  2008.  Evolutionarily conserved gene family important for fat storage.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(1):94-9.
Zhou Q, Melton DA.  2008.  Extreme makeover: converting one cell into another.. Cell Stem Cell. 3(4):382-8.
Seandel M, Butler JM, Kobayashi H, Hooper AT, White IA, Zhang F, Vertes EL, Kobayashi M, Zhang Y, Shmelkov SV et al..  2008.  Generation of a functional and durable vascular niche by the adenoviral E4ORF1 gene.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(49):19288-93.
Anderson WJ, Zhou Q, Alcalde V, Kaneko OF, Blank LJ, Sherwood RI, J Guseh S, Rajagopal J, Melton DA.  2008.  Genetic targeting of the endoderm with claudin-6CreER.. Dev Dyn. 237(2):504-12.
Hochstim C, Deneen B, Lukaszewicz A, Zhou Q, Anderson DJ.  2008.  Identification of positionally distinct astrocyte subtypes whose identities are specified by a homeodomain code.. Cell. 133(3):510-22.
Zhou Q, Brown J, Kanarek A, Rajagopal J, Melton DA.  2008.  In vivo reprogramming of adult pancreatic exocrine cells to beta-cells.. Nature. 455(7213):627-32.
Huangfu D, Osafune K, Maehr R, Guo W, Eijkelenboom A, Chen S, Muhlestein W, Melton DA.  2008.  Induction of pluripotent stem cells from primary human fibroblasts with only Oct4 and Sox2.. Nat Biotechnol. 26(11):1269-75.
Peinado H, Rafii S, Lyden D.  2008.  Inflammation joins the "niche".. Cancer Cell. 14(5):347-9.
Petit I, Karajannis MA, Vincent L, Young L, Butler J, Hooper AT, Shido K, Steller H, Chaplin DJ, Feldman E et al..  2008.  The microtubule-targeting agent CA4P regresses leukemic xenografts by disrupting interaction with vascular cells and mitochondrial-dependent cell death.. Blood. 111(4):1951-61.
Wels J, Kaplan RN, Rafii S, Lyden D.  2008.  Migratory neighbors and distant invaders: tumor-associated niche cells.. Genes Dev. 22(5):559-74.
Seandel M, Falciatori I, Shmelkov SV, Kim J, James D, Rafii S.  2008.  Niche players: spermatogonial progenitors marked by GPR125.. Cell Cycle. 7(2):135-40.
Rafii A, Mirshahi P, Poupot M, Faussat A-M, Simon A, Ducros E, Mery E, Couderc B, Lis R, Capdet J et al..  2008.  Oncologic trogocytosis of an original stromal cells induces chemoresistance of ovarian tumours.. PLoS One. 3(12):e3894.
Zhou Q, Melton DA.  2008.  Pathways to new beta cells.. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 73:175-81.
Nachman RL, Rafii S.  2008.  Platelets, petechiae, and preservation of the vascular wall.. N Engl J Med. 359(12):1261-70.
McReynolds LJ, Tucker J, Mullins MC, Evans T.  2008.  Regulation of hematopoiesis by the BMP signaling pathway in adult zebrafish.. Exp Hematol. 36(12):1604-1615.
Liu F, Evans T, Das BC.  2008.  Synthesis of 2-substituted 2H-chromenes using potassium vinyltrifluoroborates.. Tetrahedron Lett. 49(10):1578-1581.
Swendeman S, Mendelson K, Weskamp G, Horiuchi K, Deutsch U, Scherle P, Hooper A, Rafii S, Blobel CP.  2008.  VEGF-A stimulates ADAM17-dependent shedding of VEGFR2 and crosstalk between VEGFR2 and ERK signaling.. Circ Res. 103(9):916-8.
Rajagopal J, Carroll TJ, J Guseh S, Bores SA, Blank LJ, Anderson WJ, Yu J, Zhou Q, McMahon AP, Melton DA.  2008.  Wnt7b stimulates embryonic lung growth by coordinately increasing the replication of epithelium and mesenchyme.. Development. 135(9):1625-34.