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Mesri EA
Cesarman E
Arvanitakis L
Rafii S
Moore MA
Posnett DN
Knowles DM
Asch AS
. 1996.
Human herpesvirus-8/Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus is a new transmissible virus that infects B cells.
J Exp Med. 183(5):2385-90.
Ohwada A
Rafii S
Moore MA
Crystal RG
. 1996.
In vivo adenovirus vector-mediated transfer of the human thrombopoietin cDNA maintains platelet levels during radiation-and chemotherapy-induced bone marrow suppression.
Blood. 88(3):778-84.
Jiang Y
Evans T
. 1996.
The Xenopus GATA-4/5/6 genes are associated with cardiac specification and can regulate cardiac-specific transcription during embryogenesis.
Dev Biol. 174(2):258-70.
Song W
Kong HL
Carpenter H
Torii H
Granstein R
Rafii S
Moore MA
Crystal RG
. 1997.
Dendritic cells genetically modified with an adenovirus vector encoding the cDNA for a model antigen induce protective and therapeutic antitumor immunity.
J Exp Med. 186(8):1247-56.
Kim J
Taira M
Lin JJ
Zhang CH
Sredni D
Evans T
Kung HF
. 1997.
Differential regulation of neurogenesis by the two Xenopus GATA-1 genes.
Mol Cell Biol. 17(1):436-43.
Gavini N
Hausman BS
Pulakat L
Schreiner RP
Williamson JA
. 1997.
Identification and mutational analysis of rfbG, the gene encoding CDP-D-glucose-4,6-dehydratase, isolated from free living soil bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 240(1):153-61.
Zhou Q
Hinkle G
Sogin ML
Dionne VE
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Phylogenetic analysis of olfactory receptor genes from mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus).
Biol Bull. 193(2):248-50.
Rafii S
Mohle R
Shapiro F
Frey BM
Moore MA
. 1997.
Regulation of hematopoiesis by microvascular endothelium.
Leuk Lymphoma. 27(5-6):375-86.
Jiang Y
Tarzami S
Burch JB
Evans T
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Common role for each of the cGATA-4/5/6 genes in the regulation of cardiac morphogenesis.
Dev Genet. 22(3):263-77.
Gao X
Sedgwick T
Shi YB
Evans T
. 1998.
Distinct functions are implicated for the GATA-4, -5, and -6 transcription factors in the regulation of intestine epithelial cell differentiation.
Mol Cell Biol. 18(5):2901-11.
Frey BM
Hackett NR
Bergelson JM
Finberg R
Crystal RG
Moore MA
Rafii S
. 1998.
High-efficiency gene transfer into ex vivo expanded human hematopoietic progenitors and precursor cells by adenovirus vectors.
Blood. 91(8):2781-92.
Hausman BS
Williamson JA
Schreiner RP
Pulakat L
Gavini N
. 1998.
The rfb genes in Azotobacter vinelandii are arranged in a rfbFGC gene cluster: a significant deviation to the arrangement of the rfb genes in Enterobacteriaceae.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 245(2):572-82.
Hamada T
Mohle R
Hesselgesser J
Hoxie J
Nachman RL
Moore MA
Rafii S
. 1998.
Transendothelial migration of megakaryocytes in response to stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) enhances platelet formation.
J Exp Med. 188(3):539-48.
Flore O
Rafii S
Ely S
O'Leary JJ
Hyjek EM
Cesarman E
. 1998.
Transformation of primary human endothelial cells by Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.
Nature. 394(6693):588-92.
Ramalingam R
Rafii S
Worgall S
Brough DE
Crystal RG
. 1999.
E1(-)E4(+) adenoviral gene transfer vectors function as a "pro-life" signal to promote survival of primary human endothelial cells.
Blood. 93(9):2936-44.
Leventhal C
Rafii S
Rafii D
Shahar A
Goldman SA
. 1999.
Endothelial trophic support of neuronal production and recruitment from the adult mammalian subependyma.
Mol Cell Neurosci. 13(6):450-64.
Ramalingam R
Rafii S
Worgall S
Hackett NR
Crystal RG
. 1999.
Induction of endogenous genes following infection of human endothelial cells with an E1(-) E4(+) adenovirus gene transfer vector.
J Virol. 73(12):10183-90.
Roboz GJ
Rafii S
. 1999.
Interleukin-5 and the regulation of eosinophil production.
Curr Opin Hematol. 6(3):164-8.
Kostetskii I
Jiang Y
Kostetskaia E
Yuan S
Evans T
Zile M
. 1999.
Retinoid signaling required for normal heart development regulates GATA-4 in a pathway distinct from cardiomyocyte differentiation.
Dev Biol. 206(2):206-18.
Mano T
Luo Z
Malendowicz SL
Evans T
Walsh K
. 1999.
Reversal of GATA-6 downregulation promotes smooth muscle differentiation and inhibits intimal hyperplasia in balloon-injured rat carotid artery.
Circ Res. 84(6):647-54.
Jiang Y
Drysdale TA
Evans T
. 1999.
A role for GATA-4/5/6 in the regulation of Nkx2.5 expression with implications for patterning of the precardiac field.
Dev Biol. 216(1):57-71.
Naiyer AJ
Ahn J
Mohle R
Peichev M
Lam G
Silverstein RL
Moore MA
Rafii S
. 1999.
Stromal derived factor-1-induced chemokinesis of cord blood CD34(+) cells (long-term culture-initiating cells) through endothelial cells is mediated by E-selectin.
Blood. 94(12):4011-9.
Malendowicz SL
Ennezat PV
Testa M
Murray L
Sonnenblick EH
Evans T
LeJemtel TH
. 2000.
Angiotensin II receptor subtypes in the skeletal muscle vasculature of patients with severe congestive heart failure.
Circulation. 102(18):2210-3.
Ghatpande S
Ghatpande A
Zile M
Evans T
. 2000.
Anterior endoderm is sufficient to rescue foregut apoptosis and heart tube morphogenesis in an embryo lacking retinoic acid.
Dev Biol. 219(1):59-70.
Roboz GJ
Dias S
Lam G
Lane WJ
Soignet SL
Warrell RP
Rafii S
. 2000.
Arsenic trioxide induces dose- and time-dependent apoptosis of endothelium and may exert an antileukemic effect via inhibition of angiogenesis.
Blood. 96(4):1525-30.
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