Hartman Institute for Therapeutic Organ Regeneration
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Ramalingam R, Rafii S, Worgall S, Brough DE, Crystal RG.  1999.  E1(-)E4(+) adenoviral gene transfer vectors function as a "pro-life" signal to promote survival of primary human endothelial cells.. Blood. 93(9):2936-44.
Leventhal C, Rafii S, Rafii D, Shahar A, Goldman SA.  1999.  Endothelial trophic support of neuronal production and recruitment from the adult mammalian subependyma.. Mol Cell Neurosci. 13(6):450-64.
Ramalingam R, Rafii S, Worgall S, Hackett NR, Crystal RG.  1999.  Induction of endogenous genes following infection of human endothelial cells with an E1(-) E4(+) adenovirus gene transfer vector.. J Virol. 73(12):10183-90.
Roboz GJ, Rafii S.  1999.  Interleukin-5 and the regulation of eosinophil production.. Curr Opin Hematol. 6(3):164-8.
Kostetskii I, Jiang Y, Kostetskaia E, Yuan S, Evans T, Zile M.  1999.  Retinoid signaling required for normal heart development regulates GATA-4 in a pathway distinct from cardiomyocyte differentiation.. Dev Biol. 206(2):206-18.
Mano T, Luo Z, Malendowicz SL, Evans T, Walsh K.  1999.  Reversal of GATA-6 downregulation promotes smooth muscle differentiation and inhibits intimal hyperplasia in balloon-injured rat carotid artery.. Circ Res. 84(6):647-54.
Jiang Y, Drysdale TA, Evans T.  1999.  A role for GATA-4/5/6 in the regulation of Nkx2.5 expression with implications for patterning of the precardiac field.. Dev Biol. 216(1):57-71.
Naiyer AJ, Jo DY, Ahn J, Mohle R, Peichev M, Lam G, Silverstein RL, Moore MA, Rafii S.  1999.  Stromal derived factor-1-induced chemokinesis of cord blood CD34(+) cells (long-term culture-initiating cells) through endothelial cells is mediated by E-selectin.. Blood. 94(12):4011-9.