Hartman Institute for Therapeutic Organ Regeneration

In vivo adenovirus vector-mediated transfer of the human thrombopoietin cDNA maintains platelet levels during radiation-and chemotherapy-induced bone marrow suppression.

TitleIn vivo adenovirus vector-mediated transfer of the human thrombopoietin cDNA maintains platelet levels during radiation-and chemotherapy-induced bone marrow suppression.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsOhwada A, Rafii S, Moore MA, Crystal RG
Date Published1996 Aug 01
KeywordsAdenoviruses, Human, Animals, Bone Marrow, Carboplatin, DNA, Complementary, Female, Genetic Therapy, Genetic Vectors, Humans, Male, Mice, Mice, Inbred BALB C, Pancytopenia, Platelet Count, Radiation Injuries, Experimental, Recombinant Fusion Proteins, Spleen, Thrombocytopenia, Thrombopoietin, Whole-Body Irradiation

Thrombopoietin (TPO, c-mpl ligand) has emerged as a major hematopoietic cytokine stimulating megakaryocyte proliferation, endomitosis, and platelet production. This study shows that a single administration of an adenovirus (Ad) vector encoding TPO (AdCMV.TPO) abrogates thrombocytopenia induced in mice by carboplatin and irradiation. Normal Balb/c mice receiving the vector had increased platelet counts peaking at 7 days and returning to baseline by day 15. Mice rendered pancytopenic with 500 rads and 1.2 mg of carboplatin had a nadir platelet count of five percent of the baseline. Mice receiving AdCMV.TPO 3 days before receiving irradiation and chemotherapy achieved a platelet nadir fourfold higher, and had significant reduction in duration of thrombocytopenia, than mice receiving the control Ad vector. Introduction of AdCMV.TPO the same day of chemotherapy and irradiation was equally effective in acceleration of platelet recovery, but administration of AdCMV.TPO 3 days after chemotherapy-radiation had little effect on platelet recovery. At 30 days after therapy bone marrow and spleen of mice treated with AdCMV.TPO were populated with a large number of polyploid megakaryocytes, but there was no evidence of circulating megakaryocytes in the liver or lungs and no pathologic bone abnormalities such as osteosclerosis or myelofibrosis. These observations suggest that an Ad vector may be an excellent delivery system to provide adequate TPO production to maintain platelet levels in circumstances associated with life-threatening thrombocytopenia.

Alternate JournalBlood
PubMed ID8704230
Grant ListK08-HL-02926 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
R01-CA-59461 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R01-DK-42693 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States

Weill Cornell Medicine
Hartman Institute for Therapeutic Organ Regeneration
1300 York Ave, Box 136 New York, NY 10065