Hartman Institute for Therapeutic Organ Regeneration

Selective targeting of visceral adiposity by polycation nanomedicine.

TitleSelective targeting of visceral adiposity by polycation nanomedicine.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsWan Q, Huang B, Li T, Xiao Y, He Y, Du W, Wang BZ, Dakin GF, Rosenbaum M, Goncalves MD, Chen S, Leong KW, Qiang L
JournalNat Nanotechnol
Date Published2022 Dec
KeywordsAdipocytes, Adiposity, Animals, Mice, Nanomedicine, Obesity

Obesity is a pandemic health problem with poor solutions, especially for targeted treatment. Here we develop a polycation-based nanomedicine polyamidoamine generation 3 (P-G3) that-when delivered intraperitoneally-selectively targets visceral fat due to its high charge density. Moreover, P-G3 treatment of obese mice inhibits visceral adiposity, increases energy expenditure, prevents obesity and alleviates the associated metabolic dysfunctions. In vitro adipogenesis models and single-cell RNA sequencing revealed that P-G3 uncouples adipocyte lipid synthesis and storage from adipocyte development to create adipocytes that possess normal functions but are deficient in hypertrophic growth, at least through synergistically modulating nutrient-sensing signalling pathways. The visceral fat distribution of P-G3 is enhanced by modifying P-G3 with cholesterol to form lipophilic nanoparticles, which is effective in treating obesity. Our study highlights a strategy to target visceral adiposity and suggests that cationic nanomaterials could be exploited for treating metabolic diseases.

Alternate JournalNat Nanotechnol
PubMed ID36456644
Grant ListRO1AR073935 / / Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, Inc.) /
P30 DK063608 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States

Weill Cornell Medicine
Hartman Institute for Therapeutic Organ Regeneration
1300 York Ave, Box 136 New York, NY 10065