Hartman Institute for Therapeutic Organ Regeneration


Found 544 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Hoarau-Véchot J, Blot-Dupin M, Pauly L, Touboul C, Rafii S, Rafii A, Pasquier J.  2022.  Akt-Activated Endothelium Increases Cancer Cell Proliferation and Resistance to Treatment in Ovarian Cancer Cell Organoids.. Int J Mol Sci. 23(22)
Rafii S, Lis R.  2022.  Angiocrine ANGPTL2 executes HSC functions in endothelial niche.. Blood. 139(10):1433-1434.
Price DR, Benedetti E, Hoffman KL, Gomez-Escobar L, Alvarez-Mulett S, Capili A, Sarwath H, Parkhurst CN, Lafond E, Weidman K et al..  2022.  Angiopoietin 2 Is Associated with Vascular Necroptosis Induction in Coronavirus Disease 2019 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.. Am J Pathol. 192(7):1001-1015.
Das BC, Nandwana NK, Das S, Nandwana V, Shareef MAdil, Das Y, Saito M, Weiss LM, Almaguel F, Hosmane NS et al..  2022.  Boron Chemicals in Drug Discovery and Development: Synthesis and Medicinal Perspective.. Molecules. 27(9)
Page DB, Beal K, Linch SN, Spinelli KJ, Rodine M, Halpenny D, Modi S, Patil S, Young RJ, Kaley T et al..  2022.  Brain radiotherapy, tremelimumab-mediated CTLA-4-directed blockade +/- trastuzumab in patients with breast cancer brain metastases.. NPJ Breast Cancer. 8(1):50.
Gigoux M, Holmström MO, Zappasodi R, Park JJ, Pourpe S, Bozkus CCimen, Mangarin LMB, Redmond D, Verma S, Schad S et al..  2022.  Calreticulin mutant myeloproliferative neoplasms induce MHC-I skewing, which can be overcome by an optimized peptide cancer vaccine.. Sci Transl Med. 14(649):eaba4380.
Duan X, Wang H, Ho DD, Schwartz RE, Evans T, Chen S.  2022.  Comments on 'An airway organoid-based screen identifies a role for the HIF1α‒glycolysis axis in SARS-CoV-2 infection'.. J Mol Cell Biol. 14(1)
Gomez-Salinero JM, Itkin T, Houghton S, Badwe C, Lin Y, Kalna V, Dufton N, Peghaire CR, Yokoyama M, Wingo M et al..  2022.  Cooperative ETS Transcription Factors Enforce Adult Endothelial Cell Fate and Cardiovascular Homeostasis.. Nat Cardiovasc Res. 1:882-899.
Kar S, Sen S, Maji S, Saraf D, Paul R, Dutt S, Mondal B, Rodriguez-Boulan E, Schreiner R, Sengupta D et al..  2022.  Copper(II) import and reduction are dependent on His-Met clusters in the extracellular amino terminus of human copper transporter-1.. J Biol Chem. 298(3):101631.
Adrover JM, Carrau L, Daßler-Plenker J, Bram Y, Chandar V, Houghton S, Redmond D, Merrill JR, Shevik M, tenOever BR et al..  2022.  Disulfiram inhibits neutrophil extracellular trap formation and protects rodents from acute lung injury and SARS-CoV-2 infection.. JCI Insight. 7(5)
Duan X, Lacko LA, Chen S.  2022.  Druggable targets and therapeutic development for COVID-19.. Front Chem. 10:963701.
Ghazizadeh Z, Zhu J, Fattahi F, Tang A, Sun X, Amin S, Tsai S-Y, Khalaj M, Zhou T, Samuel RM et al..  2022.  A dual knockin hESC reporter line for derivation of human SAN-like cells.. iScience. 25(4):104153.
Bram Y, Duan X, Nilsson-Payant BE, Chandar V, Wu H, Shore D, Fajardo A, Sinha S, Hassan N, Weinstein H et al..  2022.  Dual-Reporter System for Real-Time Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Activity in Live Cells Enables Identification of an Allosteric Inhibition Path.. ACS Bio Med Chem Au. 2(6):627-641.
Wingo M, Rafii S.  2022.  Endothelial reprogramming for vascular regeneration: Past milestones and future directions.. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 122:50-55.
Hadland B, Varnum-Finney B, Dozono S, Dignum T, Nourigat-McKay C, Heck AM, Ishida T, Jackson DL, Itkin T, Butler JM et al..  2022.  Engineering a niche supporting hematopoietic stem cell development using integrated single-cell transcriptomics.. Nat Commun. 13(1):1584.
J Vandana J, Lacko LA, Chen S.  2022.  Expanding the precision oncology toolkit with micro-organospheres for early cancer diagnosis.. Cell Stem Cell. 29(6):873-875.
Guo P, Liu Y, Geng F, Daman AW, Liu X, Zhong L, Ravishankar A, Lis R, Durán JGabriel Ba, Itkin T et al..  2022.  Histone variant H3.3 maintains adult haematopoietic stem cell homeostasis by enforcing chromatin adaptability.. Nat Cell Biol. 24(1):99-111.
Yaron TM, Heaton BE, Levy TM, Johnson JL, Jordan TX, Cohen BM, Kerelsky A, Lin T-Y, Liberatore KM, Bulaon DK et al..  2022.  Host protein kinases required for SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid phosphorylation and viral replication.. Sci Signal. 15(757):eabm0808.
Morano NC, Smith RS, Danelon V, Schreiner R, Patel U, Herrera NG, Smith C, Olson SM, Laerke MK, Celikgil A et al..  2022.  Human immunomodulatory ligand B7-1 mediates synaptic remodeling via the p75 neurotrophin receptor.. J Clin Invest. 132(22)
Han Y, Tan L, Zhou T, Yang L, Carrau L, Lacko LA, Saeed M, Zhu J, Zhao Z, Nilsson-Payant BE et al..  2022.  A human iPSC-array-based GWAS identifies a virus susceptibility locus in the NDUFA4 gene and functional variants.. Cell Stem Cell. 29(10):1475-1490.e6.
Han Y, Yang L, Lacko LA, Chen S.  2022.  Human organoid models to study SARS-CoV-2 infection.. Nat Methods. 19(4):418-428.
Chu L, Terasaki M, Mattsson CL, Teinturier R, Charbord J, Dirice E, Liu K-C, Miskelly MG, Zhou Q, Wierup N et al..  2022.  In vivo drug discovery for increasing incretin-expressing cells identifies DYRK inhibitors that reinforce the enteroendocrine system.. Cell Chem Biol. 29(9):1368-1380.e5.